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Ichiban Boshi 09-09-03

发表于 2009-9-11 21:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Having not eaten Jap food for a long time, I was craving some negitoro don again from my favourite mid priced restaurant Ichiban Boshi at Great World City. Negitoro isn't on the menu, and normally I would ask the older, more experienced staff to order from the kitchen. But today, I'm happy I took the road not yet travelled.
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$ c2 D9 ]9 I$ n, T# G! z9 AIchiban is offering a new Chef recommended set ($24.95) of sushi that includes the perennial favourite, the seared otoro, seared salmon belly with a generous dollop of mayonnaise, fresh squid, horse mackeral (which tasted kinda metallic, uni, and a few others that I can't really remember. The set also came with a clear soup with tofu and seaweed.   W' f' [  a: r$ J9 K+ k9 I

# V, e* r# \; J+ o  q. iSo. delish. I wish I could eat Japanese food everyday.  
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很久没有吃日本料理了,让我特别想念最喜欢的位于大世界城的中等价位的Ichiban Boshi餐馆的碎生鱼片拌饭。今天菜单上没有碎生鱼片拌饭,通常我会请一个有经验的老员工去厨房下单,但今天我很高兴我选择了一个新的尝试。 7 d3 G$ t+ q0 d
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Ichiban有一个新的主厨推荐套餐,烤鲔鱼,烤三文鱼加上丰富的蛋黄酱,新鲜鱿鱼,鲭鱼(吃起来硬硬的),还有一些我记不得了。这个套餐还有一个豆腐海带清汤。 3 z4 w& c) n8 [/ w, u$ |" o2 s$ P1 C

; w7 R9 ]7 c6 W太好吃了,真希望每天都能吃日本料理
* K( r0 b$ U0 f6 R6 y2 E3 V' h% h6 F" y4 H: D, q' \: M4 _
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